Omaha-based Research Clinic Makes Strides in New Vaccine Development

With the development of the Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, millions of Americans are now protected against the ongoing viral threat. However the work is not over.

"Meridian Clinical Research", an Omaha-based research clinic, is conducting the final phase of a new vaccine that could help save even more lives. This vaccine comes from a Canadian company called "Medicago" that is in the process of developing a plant-based dose.

"Meridian" Medical Director Dr. Brandon Essink tells 6 News, “If we have something that’s really good we’ll just keep running with it, but we just don’t know; and since this is all novel to us, the best thing to do is to keep looking for something new.”

He continues, "In case something doesn’t work, or maybe this one works better for the variants, or if we need to make a little tweak down the road."

For more information and if you’re interested in participating in a clinical trial you can find out more on Meridian Clinical Research's website.

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