Amid drama with her boyfriend over an outfit she wore to an Usher concert, Keke Palmer has opened up to The Cut magazine for a new cover feature.
“I’ll be honest, I think before I even had the baby, I was really actually quite self-conscious...after having my baby, I’ve gotten so much more powerful. We’re going to lean into this new body, and I think that is the whole aura of what’s happening with me in this big boss era as I come into my 30s, and I have my baby boy, and I’m just continuing to spread my wings as a young woman.”
Her advice to new moms involves just being confident in your body, and who you are: "Do you, new moms. Do you. Girl, if there’s one person on this earth that loves you for sure, it’s that baby. Be happy, because there’s no love like it. Somebody loving you like that, hell, who cares?"
Read the full interview here.