Chicago Restaurant Invites Clemson Football Team to Dinner

Alinea restaurant in Chicago has invited the Clemson Tigers to dinner to celebrate their national championship win after their fast-food feast at the White House. The co-owner Nick Kokonas was the one to extend the invitation. Here's more:

"Nick Kokonas wrote that he wants the team to “experience what an actual celebration should be” in lieu of the fast food and that he was “not joking.” He proposed to Eater that he’d arrange a tour of his company’s restaurants; the Office, Next, Roister, and finish at Alinea. He’d offer non-alcoholic drinks for players under 21 and convince a nearby hotel to house the team: “I am dead serious that we would blow it out of the water,” he wrote via email."

Alinea is the only restaurant in Chicago with a three-star Michelin rating and can cost between $205-$495 a person. It also hosted the Chicago Cubs back in 2016 after they won the World Series.

I hope the Tigers decide to go!

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