Apparently R. Kelly Creates His Best Music In The Wee Hours Of The Night...

The R. Kelly drama continues. After the court ordered him to only have use of his studio from the hours of 8a.m. and 5p.m., R. Kelly contested that his created juices (probably not the best choice of words there...) really get flowing between the hours of 8p.m. and 7a.m. According the the Chicago Sun-Times, it was only a day after an inspection of the studio that it still seemed like it was being lived in.

“There’s still every indication that there’s residential use on the second floor,” city attorney Greg Janes said at a hearing at the Daley Center on Thursday."

For whatever reason, Robert Kelly doesn't seem like he's giving anything up anytime soon. There's still tons of violations that Kelly is facing as well. Rent hasn't been paid and it's riddled with several hazards, mainly due to the fact that it's being lived in. Bottom line, and a question more should be asking, what purpose does he need for this "recording studio" at all if he was dropped by his label last month? Full story here .

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