Jussie Smollett Charged With Felony By Chicago Police

I wish I wasn't writing this right now but in through a whirlwind of events, Jussie Smollett has just been charged with a felony by the Chicago Police Department for filing a false report. Back in January, Jussie Smollett checked himself into the hospital after an alleged hate crime by MAGA supporters. He then filed a police report, however, weeks into the investigation, the story slowly started to shift.

Once Chicago Police had their persons of interest in custody and the cooperating in the investigation, it came to light that Jussie had orchestrated a racist and homophobic attack on himself. Police are currently reaching out to his legal team to looking for him to make reasonable surrender for his arrest.

From this end, there's no sympathy for Jussie Smollett assuming all of this is true. As an actor and musician of his caliber, he has a level of responsibility that needs to upheld being a voice for both the black and gay communities. There are people who look to him as a role model, people who themselves in him, people whose voices won't be heard when they're being assaulted for being gay or black that he's completely turned his back on. This by no means is a light matter and it's disgusting to think that he would so easily falsify an attack like this. More information below.

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