The Most Popular Holiday Movie in Illinois Is...

A new map reveals the favorite holiday movie according to each state and in Illinois the holiday favorite is...Home Alone! I'm sure we could have guessed! See below for most popular Christmas films in across the US.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… And for most, nothing says “Christmas” quite like their favorite movie.

But which Christmas movie is providing the most festive cheer in your state?

We’ve put together a list of the top holiday movies by state based on IMDb’s top 50 most popular (at the time of writing).

Some states appear to be getting their festive fix from movies full of holiday-inspired themes, snow scenes, and their favorite Christmas carols – aka Home Alone and Elf. But others are opting for movies that may only be deemed “festive” because they’re set at Christmastime (yes, we’re referring to that particular film featuring Bruce Willis – the one that causes arguments every year as to whether or not it is in fact a “Christmas movie”).

Oh jeez...let that argument ensue:


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