Coronavirus Cases On the Rise in Milwaukee

Milwaukee County and Wisconsin medical professionals are perturbed by a rise in COVID-19 cases recently. According to CBS 58: "With more than 1,100 cases the last two weeks, Milwaukee County’s COVID-19 case indicator has been raised to "red" level concern for the first time since Jan. 11."

A new, even more contagious strain of the virus has arrived in the United States so health officials are warning people to still practice caution, wear masks and socially distance from people. As well as getting vaccinated.

Since the approval of the vaccine, turnout for the vaccination community sites have been low. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said:

"We know the capacity is there. And if anything, we have the capacity, but we don't have the demand...And I figured this was going to happen. The first couple of days you have the people who were chomping at the bit to get the shots, and now it's sort of coming down a little bit." A lot of people are saying that they either did not know there was a vaccine site in proximity to their or that they do not trust the virus.

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