There are 50 Finalists For Chicago's Name a Snowplow Contest

Chicago's snowplow naming contest is officially underway and there are some very clever entries!

“Above the Thaw,” “Casimir Plowaski,” “Chance the Scraper” and “Taylor Drift” are just four of the 50 name options that Chicago residents can vote for in the city’s second annual “You Name a Snowplow” contest.

The Department of Streets and Sanitation announced finalists for its snowplow-naming contest Monday. Voting ends Feb. 2. Chicago residents can vote for up to six names on the city’s website.

The six names with the most votes will be featured on a snowplow in each of the city’s six snow districts, joining the named snowplows announced last year. Those who submitted winning names will get the chance to take a photo with the plow they named.

Some of the names have a Chicago twist, with names like “Arctic Institute of Chicago,” “Deep Dish Plowzza,” “Plowapalooza” and “The Magnificent Pile.”

Check out more below!

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