Celebrate Chicago!
Hometown Heroes
Army Vets from Chicago area - Blue Island honors veterans in third year of Hometown Heroes (chicagotribune.com)
Local Evanston leaders:
Community Hero SpotLIGHT: Sylvia Puente - Latino News Network
Spotlighting Our Hero: Lamenta Conway M.D, MPH - The Chicago Reporter
Neighborhood Spotlight and Festivals
Events | Chicago Park District
Events | Chicago Public Library | BiblioCommons
Chicago Neighborhoods and Activities
Chicago Spring and Summer Festival Schedule
- August 29 – September 1 Chicago Jazz Festival
- September 6 – 8 Taste of Chicago
- September 20 – 29 World Music Festival Chicago
- November 22 – March 2025 Chicago Holidays
Choose Chicago
Choose Chicago the ultimate Chicago public list
Cultural Affairs of the City of Chicago Calendar
Living in Chicago, IL | U.S. News (usnews.com)
- Numbers framing what it’s like to live in Chicago