Illinois Bakery Named Best Bakery In The Entire State

Italian pastries

Photo: Digital Vision

What is your go-to purchase when visiting a bakery? Do you head straight for the doughnuts, muffins, and cakes set in pretty, colorful rows inside of the glass displays, or do you prefer to leave with a simple loaf of bread and a flaky croissant from the tray beside the counter? Regardless of your pastry preferences, there is one bakery that serves the best baked goods in the entire state.

According to Mashed, the best bakery in all of Illinois is Lost Larson located in Chicago. Mashed mentioned that first-time visitors should try the chocolate hazelnut croissant.

Here is what Mashed had to say about the best bakery in the entire state:

"Lost Larson serves up options such as chocolate spelt cookies, cardamom buns, and fresh-baked bread with in-house ground grains. With Bobby Schaffer, former pastry chef for destinations such as Blue Hill at Stone Barns and Grace in Chicago, at its helm, the bakery has been noted as one of the 10 best artisanal bakeries in North America. And while the menu is vast, it's the chocolate hazelnut croissant that takes the cake, with one review saying it was "everything I could have dreamed of and more."

For more information regarding the best bakeries across the country visit

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