Peacock Travel Agency specializes in pre-planned, group vacations that include a full itinerary of group activities that everyone is welcome to join. Peacock offers custom, private vacations that meet individual clients’ needs. Their Group Travel Services division simplifies the travel-planning process for large groups by using their tools and resources to streamline the many components of organizing travel for large groups. Peacock travel has been in business for nearly two years. Learn more HERE.
Phone: 708.374.5921
Here's a message from the owner:
A brief note about my “Why”:
With the exception of last year, for the past 14 years I have been taking my nephew (who is now 19) and niece (who is now 29) on vacation. I started doing so because I wanted my nephew to have a story to tell when he returned to school from Summer Break. I remembered returning to school after Summer Break as a child and one of the first assignments was always to write about what I did on Summer Break. My story consisted of playing with friends, reading a few books with my mom and watching television. I didn’t want that for my nephew.
After our first few vacations together, it was apparent that, while my niece and nephew didn’t have the stress of a mortgage and a job, they still needed a reprieve from the stresses that were just as significant for them as paying a mortgage is for an adult. While my initial reason for taking them on vacation was to give my nephew “a story” and to continue to grow the bond between my niece and I, it quickly grew to a desire for them to see the world and experience how other cultures live as well.
I know the need for a child to have a reprieve is not unique to my nephew nor a little girl wanting to feel pretty on vacation unique to my niece. It saddens my heart that some kids really desire to go to Disney World with those cute Disney outfits and can’t. So, I work very hard at growing my business and save all profits in order to, one day, take at least 10 kids on an all-expense, paid vacation every year. I want to spark something in children that encourages them to always, always, always reach for their highest dream -no matter what.