This is trolling at it's finest even if it wasn't meant to be. So to my understanding, if the royal family has a baby or possibly just any large announcement, they have an official town crier come thru and literally ring in the news. This guy, Tony Appleton, is doing just that except he isn't the official crier for the royal family and isn't even a crier for the town he's in. But here's Tony looking dapper as ever, serving us that tea. So at this point maybe you're like, "Ok. Maybe he's made a mistake here. No need to drag him over that." Yes, you're right be here's where it gets good. This video was picked up and played by CBS news this morning. Actual people thought his was real. The "official proclamation," as it's called, was sent out via email and twitter. But Tony here said we have to do things the old way, his way. Really hope you got a good laugh at the local pub immediately after you did this Tony. Cheers mate and congrats to the royal family on their new baby!
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