I have to hand it to whoever this guy is because this is mastery level sneak dissing. A news station in Pittsburgh, KDKA-TV, recently fired an employee for subtly throwing in a jab at Patriots Quarterback, Tom Brady during a recap of Super Bowl week in Atlanta. The sub-header of the chyron read "known cheater" during the report. If that isn't risking it all to get a joke off, I don't know what is. Following the report, KDKA-TV released this statement:
While fans are entitled to have personal opinions, we have a journalistic responsibility to provide unbiased reporting. The graphic that appeared Monday violated our news standards. The individual who created the graphic no longer works for KDKA-TV.
Looks like my man got the boot quick! Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. These days, however, no publicity is bad publicity so I'm sure this stunt could be turned around for a slight resume builder assuming this person gets into comedy. Full video below.