Imagine not being into flying and naturally you take a nap on the plane because of it. Then imagine you wake up in a totally dark, totally empty plane long after your flight landed. Well for one Air Canada passenger, that was a reality. Tiffani Louise O'Brien wasn't woken up when an Air Canada flight landed in Toronto from Quebec City on June 9th. She took to the airline's Facebook page to post a video recounting the incident and how terrified she was in complete darkness. Once she realized her situation, O'Brien then had to figure out how to get off the plane by herself.
Now I’m facing a 40-50ft drop to the pavement below... I search frantically for a rope so I can climb down to safely. [The] flight attendants seat is right by the door I opened, but the seatbelt is too short to hang from, so back to my distress signals.
See the complete video and story per CTV News in the video below.