People who have been vaccinated in Illinois can win HUGE cash prizes thanks to a new program running in the state:
The "All In for the Win" Illinois lottery will give out $10 million to vaccinated residents in the form of $7 million in cash prizes for adults and $3 million in scholarships for youth, all distributed through weekly drawings.
The Illinois Lottery will draw names each week beginning July 8, Gov. JB Pritzker said. The cash prizes will range from $100,000 to $1 million, he said, while children can win a Bright Start college savings plan worth $150,000 apiece.
In the first drawing on July 8, one million-dollar winner will be picked from a statewide pool. Beginning July 12 through Aug. 16, three winners of $100,000 cash prizes will be chosen every Monday.
On Aug. 12, 22 winners from the regional drawing will be picked, two in each of the 11 Restore Illinois regions drawn for $100,000 cash prizes.
The grand finale happens Aug. 26, when two million-dollar cash prizes are chosen from a statewide pool.
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